Early Pregnancies

Every day in developing countries, 20,000 girls under the age of 18 give birth and the biggest number are girls at the age of 15. From this, we believe in having public conversations around sexual health and sexuality to facilitate informed understanding and decision-making. We provide youth with the information they need to make good decisions.

Protect A Girls Image trains and develops resources for staff, beneficiaries, and individuals on how to prevent teenage pregnancies. We educate parents that their pregnant daughters should not be forced to leave school because this is denying them their right to education. We also help girls cope with the feelings, pressure, and stress that come along with an unplanned pregnancy. Our counsellor offers a life skills program that helps them to have hope and set educational and career goals so that they do not feel stuck in their current situation. The experienced counsellor motivates each teen mom to work hard, be independent, and create a plan for their future by offering advice.

We seek to empower young mothers by providing them with the tools, resources, and support needed to break the cycle of poverty, establish prosperity, and prevent the cycle of child abuse.

Using the donation form, you can sponsor our early pregnancy prevention program for $30 per month

Your donation will go a long way in supporting PGIO achieve its objectives.