Protect A Girls Image made a visit to a Church in Kangai Village as part of our outreach to Sunday School children. Our Christian faith is central to who we are as an organization and we follow Jesus’ example by being an active, visible, tangible expression of God’s love as we work alongside the poor and oppressed. Our faith calls us to serve children in need of any faith, or none. We partner with faith leaders throughout Kirinyaga County, equipping them to use their influence to make their communities safer for children. All children around the globe, no matter where they come from, have the rights to education, rights to health, rights to nutritive diet, rights to water, rights to care, and all other rights associated to human. We believe that children who have the access to their rights grow as independent individuals who can break through the cycle of poverty, be empowered to take their future into their own hands and play an active part in shaping it.
Protect A Girls Image Organization stand by the fact that working to reduce material poverty go hand in hand with our work to overcome spiritual poverty. Children cannot truly experience the fullness of life unless they have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of God’s love. Our work with spiritual leaders is woven into the fabric of all of our work of advocacy, awareness and outreach. We serve every child we can, regardless of their faith, and are sensitive to the diverse contexts in which we work.
We desire that every church in our project areas sees Protect A Girls Image as an indispensable partner in fulfilling God’s purposes in their communities which will enable us to reach deeply into communities and nurture children’s faith in Christ. However, during this visit, we realized most churches lack the knowledge, training and resources to create ministry programs that engage children’s curiosity and interest with age-appropriate communications. We, therefore, trained some of the Sunday school teachers to equip them to minister to the spiritual and physical needs of children in the community. We encouraged the Spiritual leaders to create after-school programs like vacation Bible schools, Bible clubs and Church-based camps. These programs keep children engaged in positive activities, equip them to make healthy choices, help improve their relationships, and nurture their faith in God. These children can, therefore, develop important life skills that shape their decisions as they become adults.
Our Organization recognizes that when struggling to make ends meet, buying a Bible is out of the question, so children in this village rely on teachings from local church leaders to guide their faith. They don’t have an opportunity to study God’s Word for themselves or deepen their understanding of how to live Christ-like lives. Our child sponsorship ministry helps each child acquire a Bible to help the child achieve his or her God-given potential. We would like to help distribute Bibles to be used in Sunday school classes, after-school Bible clubs, and personal devotion as well as to help improve children’s reading skills.
But we need your help. If you wish to help provide a Bible for a child in Kirinyaga County, Please Scroll Down to the DONATION Button or email us on info@protectagirlsimage.org
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