Tag: coronavirus

Tag: coronavirus

The ‘Corona Hairstyle’ Is Spreading an Important Message About COVID-19 in Kenya.

Who could have imagined that a Simple Hairstyle would become a conversation starter and fundraising tool for COVID-19? 

Necessity is the mother of invention!

These women in Kibera Slum, an Informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenya are using a hairstyle to raise Awareness about Coronavirus.

Its called the “Coronavirus Hairstyle”.

The “corona hairstyle” is shaped just like the virus: it has long spikes and a small circular crown.

Other hairstylists hope it will bring much-needed community awareness about the pandemic in this area.

Some salons in Kibera Slum charge 1 dollar to make a hairstyle very popular amongst children in Kibera.

This in turn sends a message of awareness about the new virus.


Corona hairstyle

Jane Mbone, 7, arrives home after having her hair styled in the shape of the new coronavirus at the Mama Brayo Beauty Salon in the Kibera slum.


A hairstyle that has popularly been around Africa for many years has become much more than a look in Nairobi, Kenya.

Kenya currently has 715 cases of COVID-19 and has put measures into effect to combat the pandemic, such as implementing curfews and releasing of prisoners.

Hairstyles have historically carried meaning in Africa, from revealing a wearer’s relationship status to their family’s social standing.

Variations of the “corona hairstyle” have been plaited from generation to generation.

Sharon Refa, a hairstylist in the slum feels that there still needs to be aware of how to protect oneself and others from coronavirus.

coronavirus hairstyle



“Many Slumdwellers don’t believe that the coronavirus is real,” Refa said.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends regularly washing hands with water and soap or cleaning them with a sanitizer.

They also recommend wearing masks and social distancing when in public.

But another challenge Kenya faces in its fight against COVID-19 is lack of clean water and sanitation.

According to Water.org, a digital platform that advocates for access to water and sanitation, 41% of Kenyans get their water supply from ponds, shallow wells, and rivers, while 71% of the population lack access to sanitation. The challenges are even more pronounced in slums like Kibera.

Refa added that many adults in her community are reluctant to wear masks or use hand sanitizer, which is why she and her colleagues came up with the “corona hairstyle,”. The hairstyle also helps in communicating with the public about the virus.

The corona hairstyle is a way to be stylish on a seriously tight budget. Millions of people across the world have lost their jobs, food security, and businesses as a result of COVID-19.

The most affected sectors are transport, aviation, hospitality and tourism, manufacturing, wholesale and trade, agriculture, and the informal sector.

In Kenya, 83% of total employment in 2018 was in the informal sector.

The reality of the toll Covid-19 is taking on the economy is only beginning to hit home, with 133,657 Kenyans said to have been rendered jobless.

Nonprofits are also doing the best they can to create awareness and help where they can in terms of food, water, soap, and sanitary effects.

Which are some of the innovative ways you have seen that have been used to create awareness about COVID-19? Feel Free to Share in the comments below.



Fighting Against Gender-Based Violence During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Kenya.

Tips for parenting during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. {Infographics}

An Incredible Story of Child Marriage.



Donating Food As A Response To Coronavirus/ The Church and Non-profits.

In Kenya, the Protect A Girl Organization is still providing food and supplies to up to 40 different families in Kirinyaga County. The organization is delivering care packages with food and other resources to the community.

food donations for coronavirus


There is a great need for food assistance during this COVID-19 outbreak.

That is why our teams, both here in Kenya and in the USA are doing the best we can to help those in need.

Many local churches we collaborate with are also active in encouraging their members involved in helping others.

One good example is the Agape Apostolic Church of Deliverance in Troy, New York.

Under the Strong Leadership of Pastor David Camp and his wife and Assistant Pastor Paulette Camp, the church came together to start a drive-thru food pantry to help community members impacted by the coronavirus outbreak. Both Pastors have served in ministry at the  Church for approximately 28 years.

The church places emphasis on family unity.  Among the various forms of outreach, the church reaches out to the poor and needy in the community with “The Bread of Life Community Outreach Program” (food pantry), an Annual Community & Fellowship Fun Day, and the annual Friends & Family Community Backpack and School Supplies Giveaway.   Agape Apostolic Church of Deliverance has successfully given away over 2,500 bibles in alms bags to date.  The church is rapidly growing and God is a blessing.

The pantry, called “The Bread of Life,” is under the leadership Minister Anthony Lewis.


He coordinated with the church and volunteers to put on Saturday morning’s distribution of bags of food from their pantry.

The church said they’ve served up to 400 families since the coronavirus pandemic began.

“So we usually do it just once a month but you know now, we’re pretty much doing it at least two or three times a week making deliveries,” said Minister Anthony Lewis.

The church’s community outreach program said anyone who’s struggling should not be afraid to reach out.

agape apostolic church food pantry

agape apostolic church food pantry

Minister Anthony Lewis quotes “I want to first thank our great Pastor and Assistant Pastor Elder David Camp and Evangelist Paulette Camp for their vision in starting the Agape Bread Of Life Community Outreach Program and how the Saints of Agape and Community Volunteers unselfishly gave their time to come out on such an awesome day to serve the community. We gave out tons of food and supplies to so many families in need. As always God Be the Glory!”

So many people in the US have filed for unemployment assistance in the past five weeks, as the coronavirus pandemic closes businesses and keeps residents mostly indoors. Even before the coronavirus outbreak, 37 million people in the US struggled to find enough to eat according to Feeding America.

They had lines of cars waiting to get food donations from the pantry.

agape apostolic church food pantry


“Don’t be anxious about anything; rather, bring up all of your requests to God in your prayers and petitions, along with giving thanks. Then the peace of God that exceeds all understanding will keep your hearts and minds safe in Christ Jesus.” — Philippians 4:6–7


Protect A Girls Image dedicates our resources, platforms, and will to make the biggest impact on people with the greatest need. This moment is an opportunity to illuminate how we are all affected when some of us lack the protections of a safety net. By focusing on the needs of people most impacted, we can better ensure the health and safety of all communities.

To learn more about the response in your community and how you can help, find us Here.

Protect a girls image coronavirus food donations

INCASE YOU MISSED IT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.

Coronavirus and COVID-19: How We Are Caregiving for the Elderly.

Match Made in Heaven/ How Our Nonprofit partners with the Church.

Tips for parenting during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. {Infographics}

Tips for parenting during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. {Infographics}

Across the world, due to the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), children are affected by physical distancing, quarantines and nationwide school closures.

I am sure most of your children and youth may be feeling more isolated, anxious, bored and uncertain.

They may feel fear, and grief, over the impact of the virus on their families.

I have really been working hard to find content that will help open the world of isolation.

Watch out for resources and ideas to support parents and projects that will engage children in understanding the coronavirus, the challenges it brings to their world and what can be done to protect them.

I have also done a previous blog about how you can spark a meaningful conversation about coronavirus with your children.

To help parents interact constructively with their children during this time of confinement, I have shared below very simple but constructive tips you can use while parenting during this period.

I have these six one-page tips that I outsourced from WHO for parents.

They cover the following:

  • Planning a one-on-one time.
  • Staying positive.
  • Creating a daily routine.
  • Avoiding bad behavior.
  • Managing stress.
  • Talking about COVID-19.


RELATED CONTENT: Your Daughter Does Not Owe Anyone a Hug This Easter Holiday, Not Even Grandpa.



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I hope this information helps in one way or another in helping your little ones cope during this confusing period. Feel free to click on the Links on the Infographics to learn more.

Have an amazing weekend!!


Coronavirus- How to Manage Your Mental Health During Self-Isolation.

10 Tips on How Parents Can Help Children Who Have Experienced Trauma.

10 Ways To Teach Your Children Consent at Every Age.

Coronavirus- How to manage your mental health during self-isolation

As coronavirus continues to spread all over the world, governments have implemented lockdowns and curfews as a measure and that means that most of the travel has been restricted.

The new measures have also seen pubs, restaurants, and theatres close, while people have been asked to work from home where possible.

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused global stress, fear of the disease and the unknown future. Extreme stress can really affect your mental health and cause depression and anxiety.

I know you are not used to staying indoors for long periods of time and being isolated from your social support structures. This is why you are feeling worried and low most of the time.

It is recommended by psychology experts that you should try and maintain a normal routine when it comes to sleep, nutrition, and exercise especially if you have an existing mental health condition.

Again, I know it is not easy!

The World Health Organization (WHO) released a mental health guide for people who are self-isolating saying: “This time of crisis is generating stress in the population.”

So what should you do if your mental health is suffering during self-isolation; are there ways to ensure you safeguard your emotional and mental wellbeing during a potentially extended period of being alone?

Yes! Read till the end to learn how you can manage your mental health during this crisis period.


Make time for micro-lifts throughout your day.

I believe that one of the main problems with self-isolation is that we start to miss “micro-lifts” that we normally have peppered throughout our day without even necessarily realizing.

Micro-lifts are the small little things throughout your day that helped lift your spirits up even without realizing it.

It could have been your favorite coffee shop, listening to preaching or a podcast on your way to work or saying hi to the funny gateman.

When you’re alone at home that doesn’t happen – and the cumulative effect of that is massive, especially around the two-week mark.

So try and create micro-lifts at home. Try things that generate a sense of achievement.

It could be trying out exercises, reading a book, joining an online group you share the same values with or just face timing someone.


Move your body.

You may be limited in the amount of exercise you can do if you’re stuck inside self-isolating or working from home, but it’s still important to get your body moving.

Moving can really help bust through those stress levels and give an instant shot of happiness.

With months of the coronavirus pandemic ahead, it is important to keep exercising. Did you know that regular exercise produces chemicals, such as dopamine and serotonin, which are as effective as antidepressant medication or psychotherapy for treating milder depression?

It is important to create a daily exercise routine at home. It does not have to be complicated.

A few stars jump and skipping rope will do the trick.

To make it fun, look out for free Zumba dance routines on YouTube.

If you struggle with exercise, start small, maybe 10 minutes a day and then add a few minutes daily.


Eat a healthy ‘anti-depression diet’.

Anxiety is likely to increase during the current crisis, but a well-nourished body is better at handling stress.

Traditional Mediterranean foods are sometimes referred to as the ‘anti-depression diet.

It has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Such foods include whole grains, vegetables (particularly green leaves), fruit, berries, nuts (including almonds), seeds and olive oil.

They are really good for your mental health.

When you’re at home it can be tempting to just sit on the sofa without moving, eating unbalanced meals and snacking all day as a way to entertain yourself.

Please do your best to eat well.

If you haven’t got people who can bring food to you then see if you can sign up for home deliveries from your local supermarket.

Have a look to see if there are any community support groups in your local area that can provide support with shopping.

Protect A Girls Image is Helping Families in rural Kenya with food.


Create or Maintain a Routine.

Do you find yourself spending all day in your pajamas or remembering at 3 pm that you haven’t brushed your teeth because you knew you wouldn’t be seeing anyone?

Although in the short term it can feel nice to be lazy, in the long term this isn’t going to be good for your mental wellbeing.

I am seeing a lot of people who are self-isolating are losing their optimism for the future, they are using time for self-reflecting and picking apart everything that is wrong with their life: their job, their relationship, their friendships.

Like I explained above, try to maintain as much of a routine as you can.

This is how you could do it:

  • Plan how you’ll spend your time. It might help to write this down on paper and put it on the wall.
  • Try to follow your ordinary routine as much as possible. Get up at the same time as normal, follow your usual morning routines, and go to bed at your usual time. Set alarms to remind you of your new schedule if that helps.
  • If you aren’t happy with your usual routine, this might be a chance to do things differently. For example, you could go to bed earlier, spend more time cooking or do other things you don’t usually have time for.
  • Think about how you’ll spend time by yourself at home. For example, plan activities to do on different days or habits you want to start or keep up.

If you live with other people, it may help to do the following:

  • Agree on a household routine. Try to give everyone you live with a say in this agreement.
  • Try to respect each other’s privacy and give each other space. For example, some people might want to discuss everything they’re doing while others won’t


Try new Activities.

Sitting in front of a screen all day – whether for work or pleasure – is not the best way to spend long periods of time.

Especially because the blue light from devices, like smartphones, can be disruptive to your sleep and overall wellbeing.

Instead of watching Tv, I suggest the following:

  • Download podcasts.
  • Do arts and crafts or knitting.
  • Try meditation.
  • Bake new foods.
  • Learn a new hobby.
  • Skype or FaceTime friends and family.
  •  Try Cooking, Writing or Reading books.


Stay connected to friends, family and loved ones.

Just because you’re self-isolating, doesn’t mean you have to cut yourself off altogether.

If you feel that you’re beginning to struggle, take some time to call a friend or family member.

Talk about how you’re feeling. I have a few tips for you:

  • Make plans to video chat with people or groups you’d normally see in person.
  • You can also arrange phone calls or send instant messages or texts.
  • If you’re worried that you might run out of stuff to talk about, make a plan with someone to watch a show or read a book separately so that you can discuss it when you contact each other.
  • Think of other ways to keep in contact with people while meeting in person is not possible. For example, you could check your phone numbers are up to date, or that you have current email addresses for friends you’ve not seen for a while.


Get Some Sleep.

Ninety percent of depressed people struggle with sleep, which is likely to increase with fears over the coronavirus.

Good quality sleep is a form of overnight therapy and increases the chance of handling strong emotions effectively.

Try to wake up and go to bed at the same time every day.

Achieving eight hours of sleep, taking a hot bath, setting the bedroom temperature to 18°C and having no screen time two hours before bedtime will also help.


Limit your news and social media. 

If you are finding the constant 24/7 coverage of coronavirus is impacting your mental health, particularly on social media, then you can opt-out.

The World Health Organisation says: “A near-constant stream of news reports about an outbreak can cause anyone to feel anxious or distressed.

Please try and avoid listening to or following rumors that make you feel uncomfortable.

Be careful about the balance of watching important news and the news that could cause you to feel depressed and disrupt your mental health.

Have breaks from social media and mute triggering keywords and accounts.

Social media could help you stay in touch with people, but might also make you feel anxious including if people are sharing news stories or posting about their worries.

Consider taking a break or limiting how you use social media.

You might decide to view particular groups or pages but not scroll through timelines or newsfeeds.


Try to not be hooked to a negative spiral.

The most dangerous thing for your mental health is having too much time to think about your life critically.

When self-isolating you’ve got a lot of time to think and it’s very common to experience massive life dissatisfaction as a result.

You get into a constant flow of critiquing your life and yourself, and you really need to avoid those negative cognitive spirals.

It will help to try and see this as a different period of time in your life, and not necessarily a bad one, even if you didn’t choose it.

It will mean a different rhythm of life, a chance to be in touch with others in different ways than usual.


Netflix and chill Responsibly.

While watching Netflix may seem like a great way to relax and rewind, we should also remember to watch something that won’t make our mental health even worse.

Bust out those box sets, get the duvet out and hunker down.

But just as TV can boost our mood, equally it can make us feel crappy too.

So be careful with what you watch, maybe leave the dark apocalyptic thrillers for another time and choose something more joyful, uplifting, or funny instead.


How to talk to Children and Help them Cope With Changes Resulting From COVID-19.

Families all over the world have to adopt new changes and routines due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Children can no longer go to school, Parents cannot go to work, all businesses are closed, and public gatherings have all been restricted.

Parents and caregivers are therefore forced to help their families adjust to the new normal.

I am sure as a parent you are struggling to keep your children occupied and safe during this trying period.

I understand, keeping children busy and helping them keep up with school work is not easy.

However, you should remember that our children look up to us especially on how we react to stressful situations.

I am sure our kids are confused about why they are not in school and why they are not allowed to go outside and play with their friends.

Many parents are wondering how to bring up the epidemic in a way that will be reassuring and not make kids more worried than they already may be.

Here is some advice on how you can start the conversation about coronavirus.

  • Don’t be afraid to discuss the coronavirus.

Your child has already heard about the virus or has seen people wearing facemasks and the constant washing of hands and sanitizing.

Do not be afraid to talk to them about it because keeping them in the dark will actually make them worry more. Summarize the most important facts that they should know.

This will be so reassuring and at least they are more likely to understand better when it comes from you as opposed to hearing it from the news and friends.

  • Be developmentally appropriate.

Don’t volunteer too much information, as this may be overwhelming.

Instead, try to answer your child’s questions. Do your best to answer honestly and clearly. It’s okay if you can’t answer everything; being available to your child is what matters.

  • Take your cues from your child.

Invite your child to tell you anything they may have heard about the coronavirus, and how they feel.

Give them ample opportunity to ask questions. You want to be prepared to answer (but not prompt) questions.

Your goal is to avoid encouraging frightening fantasies.

  • Deal with your own anxiety.

When you’re feeling most anxious or panicked, that isn’t the time to talk to your kids about what’s happening with the coronavirus.

If you notice that you are feeling anxious, take some time to calm down before trying to have a conversation or answer your child’s questions.

  • Be reassuring.

Children are very egocentric, so hearing about the coronavirus on the news may be enough to make them seriously worry that they’ll catch it.

It’s helpful to reassure your child about how rare the coronavirus actually is (the flu is much more common) and that kids actually seem to have milder symptoms.

  • Focus on what you’re doing to stay safe.

An important way to reassure kids is to emphasize the safety precautions that you are taking.

Kids feel empowered when they know what to do to keep themselves safe.

For example, you can tell them that the coronavirus is transmitted mostly by coughing and touching surfaces and that they should thoroughly wash their hands as the primary means of staying healthy.

So remind kids that they are taking care of themselves by washing their hands with soap and water for 20 seconds (or the length of two “Happy Birthday” songs) when they come in from outside before they eat, and after blowing their nose, coughing, sneezing or using the bathroom.

If kids ask about face masks, explain that the experts say they aren’t necessary for most people.

If kids see people wearing face masks, explain that those people are being extra cautious.

  • Explain social distancing.

Children probably don’t fully understand why parents/guardians aren’t allowing them to be with friends.

Tell your child that your family is following the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which include social distancing.

Social distancing means staying away from others until the risk of contracting COVID-19 is under control. Showing older children the “flatten the curve” charts will help them grasp the significance of social distancing.

Explain that while we don’t know how long it will take to “flatten the curve” to reduce the number of those infected, we do know that this is a critical time—we must follow the guidelines of health experts to do our part.

  • Stick to a routine.

Nobody likes uncertainty, so staying rooted in routines and predictability is going to be helpful right now.

This is particularly important if your child’s school or daycare shuts down.

Make sure you are taking care of the basics just like you would during a school break.

Structured days with regular mealtimes and bedtimes are an essential part of keeping kids happy and healthy.

how parents can help their children heal from trauma


Having a Conversation is very important.

However, you can use this opportunity to teach your children life skills they don’t learn in school.

The following are skills you can teach your children during this self-isolation period.


A crisis like a coronavirus can evoke feelings of anxiety and fear.

Parents can turn this around and model a sense of hope and positivity.

Teaching children emotional resilience can help them learn the areas of life they can control in uncertain times.

We can teach them resilience by how we control our attitude, how we are kind to others, how we control consumption and spending too.

Showing children that they are privileged and should be very grateful for what they have is important too.

 Use it as an ultimate training ground

Parents could view this time to provide children with the “ultimate training ground,” giving them an early start to learning life skills for when they no longer live at home.

Restrictions are now in place around the world, limiting how often people can leave the house to visit shops, for example, as part of efforts to reduce outside human contact and curb the further spread of COVID-19.

Signs have also appeared in many shops, rationing the number of certain products people can buy at one time, to combat the panic stockpiling that has taken place amid increasing fears about the pandemic.

At home, however, this offers the opportunity to teach children about rationing, cooking, and budgeting for food.

Fun activities like playing games, sewing, knitting, and gardening, like some other skills that can help children to become more self-sufficient.

Positive messages about money 

Parents can take this opportunity to teach children about money. Budgeting and saving can teach children how money can grow over time. Do not underestimate the ability of children to understand and engage with finances.

Online safety 

Since we are spending a lot of time cooped up inside, this is a good time to teach children about online safety.

They will be online a lot trying to keep themselves occupied and so it is good that we start teaching them how to navigate the digital world safely.

You could also teach children how to use their digital skills more altruistically, to connect with the wider community during self-isolation, or even entrepreneurially.


I hope these tips will help you remain sane during this global pandemic. While we all ride out the corona storm, wherever you are located, the Protect A Girls’ Image team wishes you, and your families good health. Remember, we’re in this together, and we’ll come out of this together! Lots of Love!!


10 Tips on How Parents Can Help Nurture Children Who Have Experienced Trauma.

Your Daughter Does Not Owe Anyone Anything, Not Even Grandpa.

6 Tips On How To Nurture A Child’s Mental Health.